Vaginoplasty in Richmond Hill

Vaginoplasty in Richmond Hill2024-04-27T11:27:15-04:00

What is Vaginoplasty?

The internal structure of the vagina may become lax and stretched due to childbirth, pregnancy, weight changes, and ageing. Vaginoplasty (also known as posterior colporrhaphy, vaginal rejuvenation surgery, or vaginal tightening) is a surgical procedure meant to address this issue by tightening the female pelvic floor muscles surrounding the vagina. This surgical procedure is used for patients with significant laxity of the vaginal canal who cannot benefit from the non-invasive alternative procedures that use radio-frequency waves or laser to tighten the internal muscle and skin tissue.

Vaginoplasty can be combined with Labiaplasty procedure and other gynoplasty procedures and is meant to increase control over the pelvic muscles provide more friction which can increase satisfaction during sexual intercourse for both partners.

Why Grand Genesis?

  • Largest Private Plastic Surgery Centre in Ontario, fully equipped state of the art facility located in Richmond Hill, efficient and user friendly,, but more economical than downtown luxury mini clinics

  • 2 Fully Equipped Operating Rooms – 15 Recovery Beds for Overnight Stays

  • 15 Plastic Surgeons (Guest & In house) – 30 Nurses

  • VERY SHORT waiting times for Consult & Surgery

Vaginoplasty Surgery Done by Following Surgeon:

Dr Shabnam Sattari, FRCSC

Click to read more about her and her background.

Price & Cost

Price range from CA$4,500 to CA$5,500. Our surgeon can give you an exact estimate of the cost after examination & talking with you.

Don’t miss Labiaplasty cost article.

Who is a good candidate?

You are the right candidate for the vaginoplasty procedure if:

  • You’ve been experiencing reduced sensation during intercourse due to ageing, multiple vaginal deliveries, etc.
  • You are not planning for future pregnancies
  • You cannot benefit from non-invasive procedures
  • You are otherwise healthy and do not have a serious illness or medical condition that may impair the healing
  • You are a non-smoker or can abstain from smoking for at least three weeks before and after the surgery
  • You have a positive outlook, with a clear and realistic vision of what you want the procedure to do for you

The Procedure

Once the amount of tightening to be done is determined the surgeon can remove excess skin and tissues, pull the pelvic floor muscles closer together, tighten the length of the vaginal canal, and reduce the size of the vaginal opening through an incision in the perineum (the area between the vaginal opening and the anus). Once the vaginal canal has been tightened, the mucosal skin is sutured closed.

Your surgeon may perform the procedure using a scalpel or surgical knife. More recently surgeons use a laser beam for a more accurate cut. The laser-cut can also reduce bleeding and recovery time. A surgeon will decide which method to use depending on your specific needs. The incisions are placed in the natural folds of skin where they will be less noticeable.

The procedure typically takes between one to three hours depending on whether it is performed with additional procedures. For better results and more comfort, general anesthesia is the rule for this surgery. However, in some patients, local anesthesia may be chosen depending on your preference and your plastic surgeon’s discretion.


The first few days after the surgery, depending on the extent of the repair you may experience significant pain and some swelling which can be managed by painkillers and applying a cold compress. You can return to work within two weeks but sexual intercourse, using tampons, or engaging in any other activity that involves penetration of the vagina is prohibited for at least four to six weeks after your surgery. You should also avoid baths, swimming, and hot tubs during your recovery period. Vaginal exercises are very helpful and encouraged to strengthen the newly formed tissues.

Possible complications

Fortunately, significant complications from vaginal rejuvenation are infrequent but may include: Fluid retention or excessive loss of blood and fluids, infection, reaction to anesthesia medications, pain during intercourse or loss of sensation.

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