What is Hymenoplasty?

Hymenoplasty is surgery to repair the hymen. The veil of virginity is a symbol of purity in many cultures. Although the hymen is a sign of virginity, it can be torn for asexual reasons such as running, jumping, or other sports activities.
Hymenoplasty is a very safe procedure, but you should be very careful in choosing your doctor. Because this is done in a private area of ​​the body, you need to be very comfortable with your doctor. Do your research and choose a doctor who has enough experience to perform this surgery.

Why Grand Genesis?

  • Largest Private Plastic Surgery Centre in Ontario, fully equipped state of the art facility located in Richmond Hill, efficient and user friendly,, but more economical than downtown luxury mini clinics

  • 2 Fully Equipped Operating Rooms – 15 Recovery Beds for Overnight Stays

  • 15 Plastic Surgeons (Guest & In house) – 30 Nurses

  • VERY SHORT waiting times for Consult & Surgery

Hymenoplasty Surgery Done by Following Surgeon:

Dr Shabnam Sattari, FRCSC

Click to read more about her and her background.

Price & Cost

Price range: From $4,000 – Depending on the extent of surgery. Our surgeon can give you an exact estimate of the cost after examination & talking with you.

Who is a good candidate?

Usually, women seek hymenoplasty due to cultural and religious issues. In most cases, a divorced person loses her virginity as a result of a marital relationship and wants to restore it before marriage. Some women are born without a hymen.
In some cases, the hymen is destroyed due to asexual activity, but still, due to religious or social norms, hymen repair is necessary for the person.
You are a good candidate for Hymenoplasty if:

  • You have lost your virginity due to sex or other activities.
  • You are over 18 years old.
  • You are healthy and do not have any serious illnesses.
  • A gynecological examination determines your hymen is repairable.
  • You don’t have genital cancer or a sexually transmitted disease.


Main technique: In this method, if the hymen remains, it is connected. Local anesthesia, or sometimes general anesthesia, is used to prevent pain and discomfort. The surgeon then sutures the torn parts. Sutures are soluble. The whole surgery takes about 30 to 40 minutes and is usually performed on an outpatient basis.
Allopant Surgery technique: This method is followed when the remnants of the hymen cannot be connected. The surgeon inserts a biological substance into the vagina, which acts as a hymen. This surgery takes about two hours and under local anesthesia.
Hymen Reconstruction: In this procedure, the surgeon creates a new hymen using tissue at the edges of the vagina. In this method, the patient should not have a marital relationship for at least three months.


The patient is monitored for several hours after treatment and is discharged if there are no side effects. The person can return to work after 3 to 4 days. However, it is recommended to start moderate activities after 10 days.
Some other instructions include the following:

  • You should keep the area clean and take antibiotics to prevent infection.
  • To reduce pain and swelling, you can use hot and cold compresses.
  • You can take a bath 2 to 3 days after surgery.
  • You should not have sex for up to 8 weeks after the operation.
  • Complete recovery takes 4 to 6 weeks.

Possible complications

Some of the side effects of hymenoplasty include the following:
Swelling, pain, and bruising after surgery

  • Hematoma and bleeding
  • Skin discoloration
  • Lack of sense

However, these side effects are minor and the medical team ensures that steps are taken to prevent these problems and reduce discomfort.

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