A complete guide about rhytidectomy (facelift) Types: In this article, We will cover different types of facelifts to help you better choose your ideal procedure. The following different ages of facelift before and after will be shown. If you are interested to know more about this procedure, be sure to read this article. Face Lift in Toronto

Do you want to provide your face with a more youthful and energetic appearance but are not sure which facelift procedure is right for you? This article will discuss different types of facelifts. There is another way to find the best procedure for yourself, it is booking a consultation with our experienced surgeons.  Book a consultation session.

Why does Every Person need to Keep his/her Youth?

Worshiping youth and beauty is something that humankind is familiar with. In all the paintings and photos, you can see how much youth and beauty can capture people’s eyes and that is why in the modern era of our lives people are using new and practical methods to keep their youth and have self-confidence. You cannot blame those people who are worried about getting old and the changes in their look because loving youth and trying to maintain it is in the nature of humans.

How Facelift Solves the Problem of Aging?

Following the importance of this matter to humans, they use their new technology and knowledge to find solutions to the problem of aging. Scientists and doctors try to use their findings and skills in this path and every day we are seeing new and promising results which means their attempt is not going to waste. There are many ways for people to stay young and one of these ways is different types of rhytidectomy, which is becoming more and more common.

Some people will say that staying young is not that important to accept having surgery but that is not truly a matter of concern for you. Rhytidectomy procedure is so safe and sound that there is no danger and fear for you but you should know that there is an appropriate age for it. Here, we are going to discuss the best age for having this surgery; also, we are going to answer some very vital questions about the facelift so you can get along with the whole procedure better.

rhytidectomy meaningWhat is rhytidectomy meaning? 

Well, some people may not exactly know what this means and they have just heard of it. This is important to know its meaning so you can understand why there is a specific age for it. 

Have you ever gone in front of a mirror and hear a voice in your head that is saying “when did I get this many wrinkles on my face”? How can I get rid of the forehead wrinkles? These wrinkles are something that you can get rid of by having a rhytidectomy, which many people know as a facelift. It is a cosmetic surgery that gives you a more youthful face and it includes a procedure of removing excess facial skin. This surgery is so common among people and it is good to know that it is the sixth cosmetic surgery that is mostly performed by doctors.


 What is the Best Way to Explain the Rhytidectomy Procedure?

After understanding the rhytidectomy meaning, you should know its procedure too. All this information can help you to embrace this surgery better and do not have any fear of it. 

When people get older and they are after their twenties, they get sensitive about their youth and they will try any method to keep and maintain it. They will buy expensive creams, they will use massages and even some people use herbal treatments but all these methods take time and youth is not a good friend of time; therefore, having a cosmetic surgery like rhytidectomy is getting more common every day. Why do we emphasize being common? Well, when something gets common, it means people have seen its results on others and the results were promising so they decided to give it a try. In addition, when some kind of surgery gets common it means doctors will be attracted to the field and they will invent new methods. Also, new equipment will be invented so that the procedure will have a low risk and a good result. 


Following what we said above, there have been many different types of rhytidectomy.  The main factor that makes this different is the type of incision rhytidectomy you will have, which depends on the method the doctor uses based on your age and your wrinkle, which is different on every patient so there is not a fixed protocol for it. The rhytidectomy incision can be in different areas of the face like behind the ear, bottom of the ear, and back of the neck. As we said, in facelift, you will have skin removal so that your wrinkle will disappear and the amount of the removed skin does not have a fixed protocol either; it is based on the patient’s amount of excess skin and also the doctor’s decision. There are eight types of facelift surgery and they will be discussed more in the following.

rhytidectomy before and after


 Why Should We Have a Rhytidectomy in the First place?

After you get the answer to the meaning and procedure question and as a whole, what rhytidectomy operation involves, you should know the possible accepted reasons for having a facelift. It is logical that when you decide to do something, you have small research on its advantages. When you discover why you should do a facelift and its advantages, you can better decide either you need it or not. In addition, knowing why people do a facelift helps you to understand its vital role in having younger skin in a very short amount of time, and by today’s medical services, we can say with a low risk of a bad result.

1- Tight skin

As we said multiple times in this article, the main reason for doing rhytidectomy is getting rid of wrinkled skin face and enjoying your beauty. As you pass the early stages of your life, the aging will be mirrored on your body and face. 

When you meet someone for the first time, he/she guesses your age based on your look and a young look can give you enough confidence to have a good impression on others.


2- Long-lasting effect

People use different ways of staying young but none of them is permanent and even some are effective in a very short amount of time. For example, many people say they can handle face wrinkles by using face creams but this is a method that needs constant repeating; on the other hand, when you choose to have a rhytidectomy, you can be sure the result will last longer than this. 

If we take a close look at this complicated world of staying young, we see that cosmetic surgeries have the most long-term results and maybe that is why people decide to do it and accept having an operation because when they see rhytidectomy before and after the result, they will understand it was the best choice ever.

3- Short recovery time

When we talk about surgery, people start thinking about long weeks in the hospital, constantly going to the doctor’s office, a very painful recovery time, and many other clichés that rhytidectomy operation involves with them but be happy because this is not a problem in this matter. When you have this surgery because of its procedure and methods, you will not feel much pain and more importantly, you will not need much time to recover. We cannot say exactly how many days are needed because it depends on many factors but it is short enough to count it as an advantage.


4- New face, new look

You have tolerated your wrinkles for years and for sure you have been away from your dream youthful look for enough time and after the rhytidectomy surgery, you will be embracing not only a new young face but also a whole new look. Having a facelift means younger skin and as a result, the shape of your face will change. This change is completely normal because you are going to lose some amount of excess skin. How much will you change? It is a good question, after the operation when you see yourself in the mirror, you will see a different version of yourself but the change will be delightful. Even now, when you go in front of a mirror and tighten your face skin with your hand, you can see the shape of your face gets better and more suitable for your beauty.

Different types of facelifts

1.Liquid Facelift

The liquid dermal filler is injected into certain parts of the face in order to plump lips and add volume to hollowing areas of the face. People who undergo dermal fillers containing lactic acid, calcium hydroxyapatite, or hyaluronic acid, will be less likely to need facelift surgery later.

different types of face lifts

2. Jawline Rejuvenation

This procedure is perfect for revitalizing the area between the jaw and upper neck. It is most appropriate for people with minimal skin laxity as skin does not remove with this procedure.

3. Mini Face Lift

Among all the different types of rhytidectomy, a mini facelift is best for people who want to make the early signs of ageing disappear but don’t want very dramatic results. This procedure can be done really quickly and you do not need to stay home or rest for a long time after.

5. Cutaneous Lift

In this procedure, excess skin in the neck or lower part of the face is trimmed and the remaining skin is stretched. Muscle tightening technique is not used in this procedure. Thus, the effects may be less long-lasting. 

6. The Traditional Facelift 

This procedure is one of the different types of a facelift (rhytidectomy) in which muscles of the neck and face are tightened. In this procedure, sutures can be removed after 6 or 7 days. Among the many different types of facelifts, this one can give you more dramatic results. You may want to consider this procedure if you :

  • Want to define your neckline and get a smooth contour.
  • Have moderate or deep signs of ageing.
  • Desire long-lasting results.
  • Don’t mind avoiding any kind of exercise for at least 2 weeks.

different types of facelift (rhytidectomy)

7. Temporal Facelift or Brow Lift

Do you want to give your eyebrow a slightly beautiful lift, but are not ready for a full brow lift procedure? Among all the different types of a facelift (rhytidectomy), this one can be your best alternative choice. And good news! This procedure is a type of facelift that has quite a short recovery period.


8. Non-surgical Facelift

Different Types Of Non Surgical Facelift Procedures

  1. Dermal fillers: Dermal fillers are usually made from moisture-rich Hyaluronic Acid. in this treatment, a smooth-gel is injected in order to bring back volume to certain parts of the face. Including lips, cheeks, the area under the eyes, and temples. The rejuvenating effect can last from 6 to 12 months.
  2. Botox: Using Botox, you can reduce wrinkles, forehead creases, crow’s feet, and frown lines. The effect of this treatment shows itself after one or two weeks, And will remain for up to three months.
  3. Fat Injections: Using fat injections you can restore the volume on certain parts of your face. In this method, fat cells are extracted from another part of your own body and injected into the face. The benefits of it can last for years.
  4. Dermabrasion: dermabrasion is another treatment of facelift without surgery. It helps you to get rid of hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, and lines as it rids damaged issues.
  5. Laser And Ultrasound Treatments: Laser and ultrasound treatments are some of the needle-less treatments which make skin tissues become firmer and tighter.
  6. Modern-day Chemical Peels: Modern-day chemical peels help shrink large pores and improve skin quality.
  7. Non Surgical Facelift: Non Surgical facelift can be done during much less time, with no need for general anesthesia or overnight hospitalization.

The Advantages Of Non Surgical Facelift Procedures

Facelift without surgery has a lot of benefits, such as:

  • With much less expense, you can temporarily try out a new look by getting a nonsurgical facelift.
  • the production of collagen in the body is increased after using dermal fillers.
  • Fewer wrinkles will appear on your face even after the effect of the treatment disappears.
  • You can get your desired look without requiring overnight hospitalization.

What is Thread Lift?

A thread lift can do wonders to make you look younger in just a few minutes! Comparing to other procedures, a thread lift will give you a faster and more instant lift. This way, you do not even have to worry about recovery time or long procedure sessions. You can get a thread lift in the morning and go back to your work or routine life at noon! It will reduce lines and wrinkles, tighten your skin, and have awesome rejuvenating results which can last up to three years.

What‌ Should‌ ‌You‌ ‌Not‌ ‌Do‌ ‌After‌ ‌A‌ Thread lift?‌ ‌

When it comes to undergoing cosmetic procedures, what flashes in our mind is what we can do to get better looks. But here is a must-know fact: What you don’t do can be even more important than what you do! After getting a thread lift, you must do certain things as well as avoiding certain habits. This is the best way to ensure you will get the best results.

What Will Happen If You Ignore These Preventions?

Ignoring the preventions mentioned in the following text will increase the chance of swelling, bruising, and discomfort. At the very best, you will not get the best results possible. And at worst, you may make your threads be forced out of place. 


facelift with threads

Things You Must Avoid After A Thread Lift

  • You should avoid applying pressure to the treated parts of your face.
  • You should avoid having your blood pressure increased after applying a facelift tape or other facelift treatments.
  • Avoid getting a facial massage for at least 10 days after getting a facelift with tape. Since facial massage will put the treated areas under pressure.
  • After getting a facelift with threads, avoid facials and makeup products since they contain irritating chemicals. 
  • Avoid hot showers, dry saunas, sunbathing, tanning beds, and anything that may expose your face to excessive heat.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol for at least two weeks after getting a facelift with threads. Since drinking alcohol will make your body lose a lot of water and essential nutrients. Furthermore, it increases blood pressure.
  • Smoking must be avoided after you get a facelift with tape. The reason why is because it increases blood pressure and prevents nutrients from reaching your skin. 
  • Intense exercises must be avoided after getting a facelift with tape. Although, swimming, jogging, walking, and other moderate exercises are fine to do. 
  • Avoid Sleeping on your stomach or on your side. If this is what you usually do, make sure you practice sleeping on your back for several months before getting the thread lift. You can try sleeping in a recliner or building a towel fort around yourself.

Should I Go For A Thread Lift Or A Face Lift?

A facelift reduces the signs of aging for a long time, but a thread lift is kind of a quick fix. Facelifts and thread lift both have their own pros. For example:

  • The effects of facelift surgery last longer. Though, a thread lift lasts for about one to three years.
  • A thread lift is less expensive and quicker to recover from.
  • A facelift provides you more dramatic results. So, if you are experiencing strong aging signs, it is better to go for a facelift instead of a thread lift. 
  • A thread lift can be your ideal choice if you are 55 years old or younger. This method may not be the ideal choice for older people. 


Facelift Before And After In Different Ages

There is no particular recommended age to get a facelift. The answer to this question depends on several factors. Including:

  • The speed of aging signs appearing for you.
  • Exposure to sun
  • Stress level
  • Smoking
  • Drinking

Facelift before and after photos show that facelift procedures can work for anyone at any age. The key is to just find what procedure is right for your age. In this article, we are going to discuss facelift before and after results in different ages, so that you can choose your ideal option for your age.

  • Facelift for People between 20-30

Few people would consider getting a facelift at this age. If you are in your 20s & 30s, we recommend you to consider these alternative options:

  • Take good care of your skin
  • Be less exposed to the sun
  • Consider going for liquid facelift options, such as dermal filler or Botox.
  • Facelift for People between 40-50

Many people start to experience sagging skin and lines in the mid-face area in their 40’s. So, they can consider the following options:

  • Eyelift or blepharoplasty. Facelift before and after photos show that individuals will look more alert and energetic after getting an eyelift.
  • A mini facelift can be a great option for people of this age to look a lot younger.


  • Facelift for People between 50-60

At this age, wrinkles start to show themselves more. Furthermore, Facial volume starts to decrease when you are in your 50’s. So, what facelift options can you consider in this decade?

  • A neck lift or a lower face lift can work wonders for people who are experiencing sagging neck skin at this age. 
  • Facelift before and after photos show that a brow lift in Toronto can work wonders for removing lines or grooves in the upper part of the face. 
  • A full facelift can be considered a good option for people who are experiencing severe aging signs.


  • Facelift for People between 60-70

People who are in their 60’s can consider the following options to look a lot more youthful:

  • A full facelift, including the neck area which can give you dramatic results. Looking at facelift before and after photos, we can clearly see this dramatic result.


  • Facelift for People who are 70 or older

People who are 70 or older, may want to consider the following treatments:

  • A full facelift will help you remove sagging skin and reduce wrinkles at this age. 
  • An eye lift or eyelid restoration if you are experiencing drooping eyelids.
  • Face lift before and after photos show that Blepharoplasty procedures can have dramatic rejuvenating results for people in this age.
  • Facelift before and after photos show that an eye lift can make you look a lot more alert at this age. 

rhytidectomy before and after

What is the Best Age to Have a Rhytidectomy (Facelift)?

So now, it is time to answer the big question we prepared you for it. You have got familiar with the meaning, procedure, and advantages of rhytidectomy so far. All subjects that we discussed are very important and each of them has a very vital effect on your decision of having a facelift operation or not. 

If you are familiar with any cosmetic surgery, you know that the rhytidectomy operation involves a time factor and it has a very important role in it. Let us make it clear with another cosmetic surgery besides facelift, imagine having a nose job. If you have it too early, your nose has not gotten its final shape and by rushing to it, you have made a bad decision. When you have a nose job before your nose’s shape is fixed permanently, you will need to repeat it and redoing surgery has more risks and financially it can get hard too. On the other hand, if you do it too late, you will face more risk in surgery.

About the rhytidectomy, we say the same thing that the time factor is not something to be ignored by you. If you do this surgery too early, you will need to repeat the surgery as you go to the next decades of your life. This means that you will not get the result you want and having multiple surgeries on your face can be dangerous too. On the other side of the story, if you have a facelift when you are too old for it, you will not use its main privilege: preserving your face from aging and getting as far as possible from wrinkles. When you have this surgery after you are 60-year-old, for sure you will see a more obvious result because your face has gotten old but we recommend doing it earlier.

Having wrinkles on your face is the result of aging and this is a completely natural procedure that everyone will have although some factors can make a difference. For example, having this surgery when you are in your 20s or 30s is not recommended highly because as we said it is too early, and having a facelift in your 60s or 70s is way too late so it left us with 40s and 50s which are the perfect time for rhytidectomy.

When you are in your 40s, your face begins having small wrinkles and by the late 40, it gets more obvious so it is the perfect time to surprise the enemy and get a young skin as if you are in your 20s! However, having a facelift in the 50s is common too but you should know that at this age your face has loosened more and you have more wrinkles, plus your neck has wrinkles too. When you have a rhytidectomy in your 40s, you prevent your neck from reflecting your age and having wrinkles but in the 50s, it already has happened and it is recommended to have a neck lift too. The difference between your neck and your face will be obvious and you may not have the perfect result you want.


In addition to the answers that we provided above for the question of the best age for this cosmetic surgery, you should pay attention to the fact that there are different methods for having a facelift in which your age is a very considerable factor. In different stages of your life, you will have different conditions of youth and beauty, and based on your age, wrinkles will show up. Doctors will choose specific methods of rhytidectomy based on your age.

When you decide to have a facelift surgery at these ages, the recommended areas that most doctors suggest are underneath the eyes, your smile lines, around your nose, jawline, and your neck area. After the doctor finishes the surgery and you pass the recovery time, you can have a rhytidectomy before and after comparison (all the doctors take before and after pictures) and see the result very obviously. 

Grand Genesis Plastic Surgery is one of the plastic surgery clinics in Toronto in which facelift is done by experienced & confident board-approved surgeons in a hospital-grade facility. You can check the facelift cost by CLICKING HERE and booking a consultant right now.  Grand Genesis Plastic Surgery in Toronto, has experienced surgeons. You can book a consultation session with the surgeons of Grand Genesis Plastic Surgery in Toronto right now, check their history, and the before and after photos of their surgeries. Thanks for joining us in this article. 



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